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Pro. Junho Kim.jpg Prof. JunHo Kim, 

   Department of Physics, Incheon National University.  

          Deaprtment of Intelligent Semiconductor Engineering, Incheon National University.   

Research Interest and Expertise :

  • Photovoltaics

  • Energy Materials and Devices for Carbon Neutrality

  • Thin Film Growth and Device Applications

  • Interface Phenomena

  • Nano Science

  • Semiconductor Physics

Education :


  • 1988 ~ 1992, Physics, KAIST (B.S.)

  • 1992 ~ 1994, Physics, KAIST (M.S.)

  • 1994 ~ 1998, Physics, KAIST (Ph.D.) (Advisor: Prof. Dojun Youm)

  Experience :


  • 1998 ~ 2000:Univ. of California, San Diego, Department of Physics, Postdoc. (Advisor. : Prof. M. Brian Maple, Prof. D.N. Basov)

  • 2000 ~ 2004: Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI), Research Staff (선임 연구원)

  • 2004 ~ present: Incheon National University, Professor

  • 2011 ~ 2012: National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL, 국립재생에너지연구소), Colorado, U.S.A., Visiting Scholar 

  • 2017 ~ 2018: The Korean Physical Society(한국물리학회), Treasurer (재무이사)

  • 2019 ~ 2020: National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL, 국립재생에너지연구소), Colorado, U.S.A., Visiting Scholar 

  • 2022 ~ present: Global Energy Research Center for Carbon Neutrality (at INU), Director

  • 2023~ present : Dean of College of Natural Sciences (자연대학학장), Incheon National University

Acdemic Family Tree : 

Academic tree_PhD2 (1).jpg



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